I hope this BLOG is a blessing to you! Have a great day! Tim

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reflection on fishing with my dad

I absolutely love to go fishing. When I was young, my dad and I went fishing all the time. Whether it was for speckle trout in some local creeks, pike in the larger rivers, walleye in some northern lakes, or salmon in Georgian Bay - There was always some adventure awaiting us.
I remember dad waking me up at 3am, "Do you want to go fishing today?" he'd ask me. More often than not, I'd say yes. He always gave me the option to go. He never forced me to go. A lot of the times I'd be tired, and not want to get out of a warm bed. Spring time in Ontario is not the nicest weather...especially in early April. It would be a couple degrees about zero, often raining and a little windy. But the upside would be maybe catching that "BIG ONE", but more importantly getting to spend time with my dad.
We'd load up the truck, check the lights on the trailer and by 5 am we'd be on the water. We'd discuss what area we should go to - and then dad would captain the boat where the fish were.
Over the years hundreds of Salmon, Rainbow, Splake and the odd Laker all made it into our boat. We had a lot of good fish fry's :)
As I am writing this, I am thinking - "wow, I am blessed to have a dad that loves me that much" And I can't help but to make another reflection, one that applies to everyone. You see, we all have a Heavenly Father that loves us. He often asks us to be with Him, have fellowship with Him, spend time with Him. Sometimes we are so comfortable we don't want to be bothered making an effort to be with Him. But friends, the reality is this - our short term comfort pales in comparison to the amazing long term fellowship that we can have with Him.
Have an amazing day friends!

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