I hope this BLOG is a blessing to you! Have a great day! Tim

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The calm after the storm or just the eye of the storm?

Sometimes the storm of life rages. It rages hard, it rages violently, it rages and it looks like it'll never end, then there is calm. Now when the calm comes, it is one of two types of calm. A calm of the storm being over, or a temporary calm - the eye of the storm.
Either way, there is peace - even if it just for a moment. The calm after the a storm is the type of calm that is restful. You know that the storm is over. You know that it is time to rebuild, time to clean-up. 
Then you have the calm of an eye of the storm. This type of calm is often short lived. It is a temporary reprieve. You can take a breath. But the storm is still there - it is half over, but for sure there is more to come. It does however give hope. You made it through the first half. 
Today, I feel like I'm in the eye of the hurricane. The first half of the storm has been rough. My entire family is sick. Call it stomach flu, call it GI infection - it's been a rough 36 hours.  My wife and daughter are on the mend. My 2 sons are just starting to get sick, I have been sick off and on for a week, but I feel pretty good today. 
Today my prayer is this - It is found in 1 Samuel 25:6 “Peace and prosperity to you, your family, and everything you own!"
What ever peace you are experiencing, or even if you are going through a storm right now - hang in there :) Peace is on the horizon :)

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